This siteprovides information about Internet Fraud. Including; should you get a Identity Theft Attorney or Fraud Insurance Lawyer, processes for Reporting Internet Identity Theft. This sitewill be updated every few days, if you would like to see a topic covered would like to share a story please comment on a current posting. Along with authored posts there are several links on this page helpful for fraud investigation, reporting, fraud insurance and identify theft attorneys.

If you won't take advice from your Dad, Take it from mine - "nothing is free!!! Look very, very deeply into any offer you are considering that seems to good to be true." That's what INTERNET FRAUD is based upon, Social Engineering things that are too good to be true.

Friday, February 9, 2007

UCLA Fraud Alert

Internet based fraud is alive and well. If you are affiliated with, or have provided any financial information to the University of California Los Angeles, you need to take a look at the following URL. Hackers were able to gain access and steal financial information of up to 20,000 individuals. If you think you may be victim of this fraud you should contact

Huge kudos go out to UCLA for making this breach public and making people aware that their information may have been stolen.

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